How often should I update Multipliers?

This will depend on the volume of data flowing through a campaign as well as the scale of the adjustments being made. It is recommended that you make very small, incremental steps to Multipliers over time and in increments of no more than 0.1 per week. If you keep the changes small, reviewing once a week should be sufficient.

Multipliers can be particularly susceptible to volatility due to low data volumes.

What is the Relative Metric?

The Relative Metric shows the relative performance of a particular bucket as compared to the average for all Multiplier buckets. Using Relative ROAS as an example, if you have a Relative ROAS of 2.0 for LOS 6, and an actual ROAS of 12, this means that the ROAS for LOS 6 is 2 times higher than the average across all LOS buckets, which would be 6.

What is RPC?

RPC stands for Revenue Per Click.

Why am I limited to increasing a Multiplier to 3x?

Multipliers should be used cautiously. A particular auction will have 3 to 8 Multipliers applied multiplicatively to the base bid. This can cause the final bid to be much higher than intended. For the moment, the system sets a hard limit on the platform to 3x to minimize risk. This limit has been reviewed by the DerbySoft Data Science Team as a sensible value which is unlikely to hamper a good performance while preventing considerable risk. Click may choose to increase this in future if the team finds there are examples or feedback where this should be further increased.