I do not see the Bid Adjustment button. How do I activate it?

Please contact your account manager (digital marketing manager) to enable this functionality for you.

How soon can we expect the new bids to be applied?

The actual bids will be updated immediately after you submit the adjustment or the new bid value. The bids will be pushed live in the next closes bidding cycle according to each channel's schedule. You can also check the current bid status in the Change History tab.

In which cases is it recommended to use the manual bid override or adjustment?

Please note that the use of bid adjustments has the potential to both negatively & positively impact the performance of the campaign and should be applied with careful consideration. However, there are some cases where the quick bid change would be useful, such as:

  • A new hotel has been added to your account

  • The launch of a major promotion with a large increase in available budget

  • A geopolitical event affecting demand to or from a market

  • A significant change in the campaign target

We do not recommend using the manual bid adjustments as part of your day-to-day optimization and we encourage you to approach them as exceptional cases.

Can I change the bids for a number of hotels at the same time?

Yes, bulk adjustments are possible. The bid adjustments work on a placement level, so you will have to select all the placements that contain the hotels where the bid override is applicable.

How often can I submit the manual bid adjustments?

We do not recommend using the manual bid adjustments as part of your day-to-day optimization and we encourage you to approach them as exceptional cases. Whenever a manual bid update is executed on a placement, bear in mind that the resulting bid will be kept frozen at that value for up to 3 days as the algorithms need to recalibrate. That's why you should wait at least 3 days before submitting a new adjustment.