What is Tripadvisor PPS?

Tripadvisor PPS (Pay Per Stay) is a commission program offered by Tripadvisor and it is based on consumed bookings.

Is this program available to any account?

No, only the partners under the Derbysoft Tripadvisor account are eligible for an immediate start of a PPS campaign with 3 different levels of commission: 12%, 14%, and 16%. For the chains that have their own account, Tripadvisor will discuss the eligibility of the chain with each of the partners. Please contact your Digital Marketing Manager to guide you through the process.

Does the full account need to be on PPS?

No, Tripadvisor allows a hybrid model. A combination of CPC and CPA.

Is the same commission applied for all hotels and silos?

No, each account can have 3 different levels of commissions which you can apply at a hotel/silo level. For example, for the DS account, the three levels of commissions are 12% 14% and 16%.

What is the minimum commission for the Tripadvisor PPS program?

12% is the absolute minimum for all the accounts.

When do I need to complete the reconciliation?

By the 15th of each month. 

Is Click automatically submitting the daily and monthly reports?

Yes, Click will send automatically all the required reports. Monthly reports will require the update of the booking status before sharing it with Tripadvisor.