
For Cross Media or Paid Search Campaigns, users need to complete the hotel profiles, and Asset/Ads on click side, and we will use this kinds of content to create the campaign on Channel side, but Channel have a restricted rules (the rule details is black box to Dersbysoft) to validate the content which will lead the Assets are failed on Channel side (eg, policy issues, violent content, etc), our DMMs/Clients have no aware of this errors and they need to constantly keep an eye on the error messages on Channel side which is need to be improved.


Disapproval Feedback is a feature that allows users to receive feedback from channels that might lead to your Campaign/Ads not being active. You will receive Notifications via Click - Notification Center and also can check the feedback messages on the related entities (eg, Campaign, Ads, Asset List, etc).

How to check Disapproval Feedback via the Notification Center?


  1. Check Your Notification List

    • Click the Bell Icon on the lower left corner of the Navigation Bar, you will see all the Chains/Hotels notifications which you have access to. 
    • You can filter the Notifications by Campaign type, and Severity
  2. View the Details

    • Review each of the notifications and click the View button to go to the detailed page to get the detailed reasons from each Channel

For Paid Search/Cross Media Campaign,we have several kinds of notifications:

  • Asset Group Issues: Usually it is because of the Asset content does not meet the Channel validation rules, this issue will also lead the Campaign Failed
  • Hotels/Destinations Place ID or URL is failed on Channel side
  • Extensions Issues: Extension content is failed on Channel side
  • Campaign or Campaign out of Budget
  • Account Issues:
    • Your Chain have not linked with any Channel Account
    • No enough Channel account to create Cross Media Campaigns
    • Conversion Action is not created on Channel side when your Campaign is Conversion based (eg, Maximum Conversion, Maximum Conversion Value, ROAS, ect) bid strategy
1.All the above issues’s severity will be Critical Issues (except Extension Issues, it is issues)
2. If you want to add more kinds of notifications please let us know.

Visual Guide

How to control the notifications on Notification Center?

If you want to enable/pause the notification, or change the Chain/Hotel notification scope, you can click the settings icon on the notification list page, and then select the Chain/Hotel which you want to receive the notification, or enable/pause the click platform notification, or the Email notification

How to check Disapproval Feedback via Campaign List?


  1. Go to Paid Search/Cross Media Campaign List, you will be able to see a new column Review Status displayed (if not display, please go to the Table settings and ensure this column has been selected)
  2. Hover on the Limited Status to know the detailed reason
If there are multiple issues, you will go to a slide-panel to review all error messages for this campaign, and then be able to review more detailed reasons.

How to check Disapproval Feedback via Hotel/Destination List?

When Hotel Place ID, or Hotel / Destination URL fails to sync to Channel, we will display the errors via Notification Center, Campaign List, as well as Hotel / Destination List.


  1. Go to Content - Profiles - Hotel tab, filter the Review Status by Limited
  2. Hover on Limited, review the detailed reasons
  3. Click the View button to check the error messages for each channel in the content Details page

Error Messages displayed on the Hotel Info Tab

Error Messages displayed on the URLs Tab

How to check Disapproval Feedback via Asset List?


  1. Go to Content - Asset List, filter by Limited review status to check the errored Asset
  2. Hover on that Limited status, you can review the descriptions
  3. Click View andgo to the Content details page to review the reasons. 
    • If there are multiple reasons, you also need to click the View button to check the separate reasons.
    • If the Asset is Images/Logos, you need to hover on the line, and click the Edit button to review the detailed reasons.

How to check Disapproval Feedback via Ads List?


  1. Go to Content - Ads List, filter by Limited review status to check the errored Ads
  2. Hover on that Limited status, you can review the descriptions
  3. Click View and go to the Asset Group page to review the detailed reasons. 
    • Asset Group: 
      • This is a tab that is newly added. Asset Group means Hotel * Languages (eg, if this Ads select 10 Hotels, 3 Languages, then this Ads will have 30 Asset Groups). Each group will have their own status.
      • Be able to filter by Asset Group Review Status
    • Asset Group Review Status: 
      • This means if the asset group is acceptable on the Channel side
      • Approved: This means no errors from the Channel side.
      • Limited: This means there is at least one piece of content is failed to sync to Channel
    • Asset Content
      • Display all the content which is included in this Ads
    • Errored Content: If the content fails to sync to the channel, then you will see a red icon before the content, hover on it you will be able to see the detailed descriptions. Click the View Button, it will go to
      • Asst - Content Details Page if the asset has been saved in the Asset List
      • Slide - Out Panel if the Asset created in this Ad and not saved in the Asset List
    • Refresh Button: 
      • After you adjust the errored content, and go back to this page, if you do not refresh the table, it will still display the original errored icon and the message, after you click the refresh button, we will let you know the real status of this content
      • Eg, Slide-Out Panel if the Asset created in this Ad and not saved in the Asset List 
    • Column Customize: Because there might be so many kinds of content in one Ads, display all content as the columns might make the table so wide, so you are able to specify which column can be selected

Several Common Errors

  1. Image is failed because “the given type is not supported to be added directly through asset links
    • Reason: The Paid Search Account which this Chain linked is not meet the Google Account limitations, google have a limitation that only the account which meet the following requirement can create a paid search campaign with Logo/Images:
    • Click here to review more details
    • How to fix: Remove the Images Extensions from your campaign, and save it.. At this moment we will try to push the campaign again to the channel side. Once your account meet the channel quirement, you can add the Images Extensions into the campaign - save it, then the campaign will push to channel again.
  2. Logo/Business name is failed because the Customer is not verified.
    • Reason: The Google Account which this Chain linked not finish the account verification (click here to review more details)
    • How to fix
      • Step1: Go to the Google Ads - Select the Account - Billing - Advertiser Verification section and follow the above google ads help doc to finish the verification
      • Step2: Once you finish the above verification, you can go to click, remove the failed Business Name and Logo from the campaign details -> Extensions page - save the campaign, and then add the extensions again - save the campaign, then we will push the updated campaign to channel
  3. Campaign is always creating
    • Reasons
      • The Chain doesn’t linked any Channel Account
      • The Chain have not enough Channel account to create Pmax campaign
    • How to fix: Contact with the 
    • The Channel Account which this Chain linked is not under Derbysoft MCC Account

Key Notes

  1. Please ensure you select the Review Status column in Paid Search/Cross Media Campaign List page
  2. All the notifications we can review from Channel are from the API, it might not have the same messages as the Channel Platform interface, and the information the errored messages might not be as detailed as Channel interface. There are still some reasons which might not be listed in the API but it did happen, we can gather this error message after it happened.
  3. We sync the error messages from Channel to Click is in real time
  4. When you adjust the Errored Asset/Content, all the errors which related with this Content will be refreshed as Approved, at this moment, it is not mean that Channel has accept this content, it is only means we will sync this new content to the channel again and we haven’t got the error messages from Channel yet. So technically it still have the possibility to get the errored messages again
  5. Because there are thousands of errors on Channel side, we are not sure if each error messages are easy to understand, we are trying to summarize some high frequency errors as a standardized the messages but you might still have the possibility to receive technical error messages, if you are not understand it please contact with us
  6. Currently the Notification and the Emails are sent on a Daily basis (you are able to enable/pause each kind of the notifications by yourself), if yesterday we push a notification saying that your Asset has an error, if you do not fix it until today, the notification will be sent to you again. If you think this is too much we can make an improvement later
  7. For Price/Promotions/Sitelinks, we are not able to address the detailed content, so we just provide the notification on the Asset list, later we can provide more details on the content input box
  8. When you update the errored Asset Content, you need to remove this asset in ads, and add it again. And also need to remove this Ads in the related campaign - Save it, and then add this Ads again in that Campaign manually. Once the campaign is saved, we will push the new asset to google in real time. (If the campaign is only have one ads it can not save the campaign without any ads, at this moment you can create a new campaign or create Jira Ticket on this board and assign it to, he will help to update the Ads in that campaign)