Before you Start

You can click here to access the introduction of OTA Traval Ads.

In this page,  you can follow the step-by-step to run your bidding set up.



Step 1 Login Click Platform and navigate to the Bidding & Budget section and click OTA Travel Ads.

Step 2 Find the hotel you want to set up biddings for Booking.

  • Hotels that have been implemented on Booking will have ‘Booking’ as one of their channel options.

  • You can also use a filter to just check the hotels have been enabled on Booking already.

Step 3 Click into the detail page of a hotel. You will see Booking is in the channel list.

Step 4 There are four fields you can set for this channel: Bid Strategy, Bid Target, Base Bid, and Monthly Budget.

There are two available options for Bid Strategy: Manual CPC and ROAS.

  • For Manual CPC, all bids are managed manually. You can set up Base Bid in this view and set up Bid Adjustment later in the channel’s detail page.
  • For ROAS, the base bid is automatically managed by Booking. You can set up Bid Target for this strategy and Bid Adjustment later in the channel’s detail page. The algorithm provided by Booking will also take the bid adjustment you set up to further improve the performance.

You can add the Monthly budget for this hotel on Booking.

Step 5 Click on the ‘Booking’ column in the channel list, and you will enter the Bid Adjustment page.

There are five available types of Bid Adjustment as the picture below shows.

There are three adjustment methods available for each of the adjustment ranges: Multiplier, Boost, and Exact.

You can take the metrics as a reference to set up the adjustment value for different ranges. I.e: Sort by Bookings to decide to either increase more or less for the Mobile multiplier.

Note:The final Bid will be limited by the Min[(Base Bid * Multipliers)+ Boosts, Base Bid * 10].

Step 6 After you set up all the settings, you can enable the hotel on now!