
  • The back-end API for Bing is being upgraded to a new version called “Lodging Campaigns”
  • From the front-end UI, the user flow is set at parity with the Google Hotel Ads campaign already
  • A Bing lodging campaign enables clients to: 

Easily manage and define their performance goals with two additional enabled strategy types: VPS(Visible Position Share), and FPS(First Position Share)

Intuitively select markets, hotel groups, and device

Utilize algorithm logic for modifier adjustment(Phase 2, Q4)


1. Create a Campaign

1-1 Campaign Type Selection

  • Under the Bidding-Campaign Management menu, click Create Campaign to build a new campaign. 

  • Select the campaign type as Metasearch.
  • Select the campaign sub-type as DerbySoft-Cross Channel Algorithm.

1-2 Campaign Setting-Basic Info

Campaign Name: add a campaign name

1-3 Campaign Setting-Placement

  • Hotels

Select the Hotels you want to bid for this campaign.

  • Channel/Market

Select Bing and the Markets you want to bid for this campaign.

  • Device

Multi-selectable values: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet

Default value: All devices selected

  • Priority

Selectable values: Highest, Lowest, Custom

Default selection: Highest

1-4 Campaign Setting-Objectives

  • Objectives

Available selection

  1. Return on Advertising Spend(ROAS)
  2. Visible Position Share(VPS)- New
  • Advanced

You can set the advanced target at your need

1-5 Campaign Setting-Budgets & Schedule

You can set the budget as either unlimited or choose a budget plan to manage the Budget&Schedule it accordingly.

2. Update a Campaign

2-1 Campaign Update

  • You can view the campaign created just now on the Metasearch campaign list page

  • You can also click the Campaign name to enter the overview page, then click the Settings tab to edit your campaign setting to your needs.