This glossary is commonly used terminology regarding the Bidding to help you understand the function.


Campaign Management (Add Filter)TagA label or identifier used to categorize and group specific hotel properties or campaigns which is useful for organizing and tracking different aspects such as location, property type, or objectives.
Campaign Management (Add Filter)Campaign SubtypeIndicate the campaign targeting, whether it’s on specific channels

Campaign Management (Add Filter)
Bid. StrategyBid strategies are designed to optimize spending and achieve specific advertising goals, such as maximizing ROAS or increasing visibility. 
Campaign Management (Add Filter)DeviceHotelIndicate the users' device such as desktop, mobile, or tablet.
Campaign Management (Add Filter)Channel / MarketIndicate the combination of the channel and market, to track the channel in each country
Campaign Management (Add Filter)HotelThe name of a hotel property.
Campaign Management (Add Filter)CampaignThe name of the campaign determines where the campaign will be viewed by group or strategy
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)StatusThe current state or condition of a hotel listing or campaign within the Metasearch Dashboard.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)ActionRefers to the account admin's interaction, engagement, or instructions on the Click dashboard.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)Bid. TargetCorresponding to achieving specific goals on bidding strategy, such as ROAS or increasing visibility position, rate the scale from 1 to 10.
Campaign Management (Dashboard)Budget PacingThe process of managing and distributing effective current spending to prevent overspending or underspending (Current spending vs Even pace)
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)BudgetA budget is the amount allocated to all of the campaigns assigned to the plan.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)ClicksIndicate the level of user engagement by the number of times that users have visited the hotel listing site or ad.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)Cost(USD)The total expenditure incurred for a particular set of campaigns. It includes all expenses associated with the campaign, such as ad fees, bid costs, and any other related costs.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)CPCCost per click: It is a method of charging by websites and is based on the number of times a visitor clicks on an advertisement on that website.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)First Position ShareRefers to the percentage of time a hotel's listing appears at the top position (the first result) in the search results when users search for specific criteria, such as location, dates, and room type of hotel.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)Visible Position ShareRefers to the percentage of time a hotel's listing is displayed within the visible area of the search results when users search for specific criteria.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)BookingsThe total number of travel reservations or bookings made through our metasearch platform.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)RevenueRefers to the total income generated by hotels from bookings made through the metasearch platform.
Campaign Management  (Dashboard)
Return on Advertising Spend,(ROAS), is a marketing metric that measures the efficacy of a digital advertising campaign.ROAS helps online businesses evaluate which methods are working and how they can improve future advertising efforts.ROAS=Gross Revenue from Ad campaign/Cost of Ad Campaign


PlacementCampaign PriorityThe level of importance or precedence assigned to a specific campaign. Priority settings help determine which campaigns should receive more focus or resources.
PlacementBidRefers to the amount the user is willing to allocate for a campaign on a click platform. The platform's algorithm determines which hotel to display and in what order based on various factors, including the bid strategy and bid target set by the user.


Bing CampaignDaily BudgetThe maximum amount allocated for campaign spending on a daily basis for a specific hotel or campaign
Bing CampaignLast updateThe date and time when the most recent changes or updates were made to the settings or data related to a hotel or campaign within the Click dashboard.


OTA TRAVEL ADSAvg. Daily CostThe average daily spend incurred for a campaign over a specified period.
OTA TRAVEL ADSNo BudgetIndicates that there is no predefined budget set for a particular hotel or campaign, meaning it cannot be spent without a daily budget limit.
OTA TRAVEL ADSNo EligibleIndicates that the hotel or campaign is not eligible because of such low bid amounts or other eligibility criteria not being met.
OTA TRAVEL ADSDestination / HotelRefers to the specific destination or hotel property for which OTA advertising campaigns are being managed and monitored.
OTA TRAVEL ADSPerformanceRefers to the metrics and data monitored related to the effectiveness and success.
OTA TRAVEL ADSTop HotelsA section or category that highlights the best-performing hotels based on various performance metrics (booking/revenue/click).
OTA TRAVEL ADSTop DestinationA section or category that highlights the best-performing destination based on various performance metrics (booking/revenue/click).