Introduction of Content

Content is a section which contains all the Hotel’s necessary information (Basic Info, URLs, Amenities,etc), and it is also the place to prepare all the essential assets to create Pmax Campaign or Paid Search Campaign. It consists of 3 parts: Hotel Profiles, Assets and Ads 

How to Update Hotel Profiles

Option 1: Update the Hotel Profiles One by One

  1. Find your Hotel List.

    • Click Content > Profiles, you will see all the hotels have been implemented here (If some of the hotels are not in the list, please contact with your Account Manager)
  2. Update the Hotel Profiles

    • Click the Hotel Name, you can update the following informations about this hotel:
      • Descriptions
      • Categories
      • Amenities
      • Additional information:
        • Google Place ID
        • Go to Google Place ID Finder to find the Place ID
        • Input the hotel name, you will see the Place ID
        • Copy that Place ID and paste it into this section
        • Place ID is required if you want to use a PMax Campaign. If the hotel is lack of Place ID, this hotel is not able to be selected when create the Pmax campaign
        • Stars
        • Rooms
      • URLs: You can specify the URL for different sites (eg, Homepage, Rooms & suites, ect) in 9 languages, we suggest you at least input Homepage - English version URL. [If there is no URL for one hotel, when you create Pmax /Paid Search Campaign, the campaign will be an error because there is no URL for this hotel]

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Option 2: Bulk update the Hotel Profiles

  1. Find Your Hotel List.

    • Go to Click -> Content -> Profiles page, or Hotel Details page, you will see the Bulk Edit button at the upper right corner
  2. Download the File

    • Click Bulk Edit,go to Upload tab, you will see the Download button, download the file
  3. Complete and Upload the File

Basic Info is generated when the account manager imports the hotels into the system. If you want to update the basic info, please reach out to your Account manager.

In the later version we will automatically generate Assets/Ads based on the hotel profiles information, so we suggested you can complete the hotel info as much as possible.

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How to Create Destinations

Option 1: Update the Hotel Profiles One by One

  1. Find Your Hotel List

    • Click Content -> Destinations -> Create Destinations, you will go to the Destination Creation Process
  2. Finish the Settings information

    • Basic Info
      • Destination Name: Input a name for this destinations, please ensure that the destinations name is unique from the other existing Destinations under this Chain
    • Scope
      • City: means you would like to generate destination keywords and boost the hotels which in the selected cities
      • Country: means you would like to generate destination keywords and boost the hotels which in the selected Countries
      • Hotel: means you would like to generate destination keywords and boost the hotels which in the selected hotels
    • Places
      • Be able to review the places which related with the hotels which selected in the previous step
    • URLs
      • Provide the URLs for Destinations in multiple languages

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Option 2: Bulk update the Destinations

  1. Find Your Hotel List.

    • Go to Click -> Content -> Destination page, you will see the Bulk Edit button at the upper right corner
  2. Download the File

    • Click Bulk Edit, go to the Upload tab, you will see the Download button, please download the file
  3. Complete and Upload the File

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How to Create Assets


  1. Go to Assets page

    • Click > Content > Assets, you will see the Assets list
  2. Click the Create Asset button.

  3. Finish the following information:

    • Basic Info: Give a name for this asset [Not repeatable across all the existing Assets]
    • Type: Select one asset type: Business Name, Description, Display Path, Headline, Image, Logo, Long Headline, Short Description, Sitelink, Promotion, Price, Callout
    • Scope: 
      • Select content will be created on different levels
        • Hotel: means the asset will apply to each hotel which have been selected
        • Hotel Brand: means the asset will apply to all hotels which under the selected brand
        • Chain: means the asset will apply to all hotels which belongs to the Chain
        • Destination: means the asset will apply to all hotels which belongs to this Destination
        • Hotel Category: means the asset will apply to all hotels which belongs to the selected hotel categories [coming soon]
      • Select language
        • The following languages are available now: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
        • All the above assets type need to select the language except the image related asset (Logo, and Image Assets)
  4. Finish the content according to each type of asset requirement

    • Each type of the Asset (except Logo and Image) is able to edit on the interface, and also be able to click the [Bulk Upload] button at the upper right corner of the content details page
    • Validation Rule of the Text Content:

Asset TypeContent Validation Rule
Display Path
15 characters limitations
Business Name / Callout25 characters limitations
Headline30 characters limitations
Short Description60 characters limitations
Long Headline / Description90 characters limitations
Sitelink - Title

The title is required / 25 characters limitations

Sitelink - URLURL is required / Must be in URL format
Sitelink - Description135 characters limitations
Sitelink - Description235 characters limitations

  • Add Image

  • Hover on the image column, you will see an add image button
  • Click the Browse button to select one image, please note the images should meet the following limitations:
    • Recommended size 1200 * 1200 (628*628 minimum)
    • Minimum file size 5120 KB
    • Only upload media you own the rights to
    • High resolution images (png, jpg)
  • The system will automatically create 3 different sizes of the images: Landscape, Square, and Portrait 
  • Hover on the Image Details > Image column, and you can see an Edit button, click it will go to the Image details, and you can click the “Delete” button to remove the previous image and upload a new image
  • Hover on the Logo column, you will see an add logo button
  • Click Browse button to select one logo, please note the logos should meet the following limitations:
    • Recommended size 1200 * 1200 (512*128 minimum)
    • Minimum file size 5120 KB
    • Only upload media you own the rights to
    • High resolution images (png, jpg)
  • The system will automatically create 2 different size of the logos: Landscape, Square
  • Hover on the Logo Details > Logo column, you can see an “Edit” button, click it will go to the logo details, you can click the “Delete” button to remove the previous logo and upload for a new logo

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How to Update the Assets?

Go to Click > Content > Assets page, you will see the assets list that exists in your Chain.

The asset list will list all existing assets you’ve created and also display the extra info for each asset

  • Name: Editable and clickable, click it will go to the Asset Details page
  • Type: Display which asset type it is when you create the assets
  • Level: Display which kind of level (Chain/Hotel/Brand/Hotel Category) this asset will apply to
  • Completion: Calculate how many pieces of content you’ve already completed (Eg, You want to create the Headline, you’ve selected 10 hotels, and 3 Languages, in total you need to complete 30 pieces of content. If you only input 10 pieces of content, then the complete rate is 33.3%)
  • Created by: Display the user who creates the asset
  • Language: Display the numbers of the selected languages in this asset. Hover on it will display the detailed languages
  • Linked Ads: Display the numbers of the ads that are using this asset. Hover on it will check the detailed Ads and can jump to the ads section
  • Content: Preview the asset content
If the Asset has linked with at least one ads, then you can not remove the hotels/languages on the Asset Settings page. If you still want to edit the asset Content, you need to remove this asset with all the linked Ads, and then you are able to update the Asset content

How to Create Ads?

Type 1: Cross Media Ads

Please Note: Cross Media Ads can be only selected by a Cross Media Campaign
  1. Go to Ads Page

    • Click the Content -> Ads -> Create Ads button at the upper right corner on the Ads List page
  2. Complete the information on the Ads Settings page:

    • Ads Name: Should be unique from all the existing Ads under the Chain 
    • Type: Select Cross Media, means this ads will be available when you create a Cross Media Campaign
    • Scope: Select content will be created on different levels
      • Hotel: means the Ads will apply to each hotel which have been selected. Be able to select the hotels by Hotels/Hotel Category (coming Soon)/Brand/Chain
      • Destination: means the Ads will apply to all hotels which belongs to this Destination
    • Select language: The following languages are available now: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
    • Schedule: You are able to define when the Ads going to be alive and end [coming soon] 
  3. Complete the Ads by selecting the Assets

    • For the Cross Media Ads, the following Asset Type is necessary:
      • Business Name (Required: 1)
      • Display Path (Required: 2)
      • Images (Required: 1 square & landscape)
      • Logos  (Required: 1 square)
      • Headlines (Required: 3)
      • Long Headlines (Required: 1)
      • Description (Required: 1)
      • Short Description (Required: 1)
    • Please note that, if some of the Asset complete rate is not 100%, we will label the Asset in another color and you are able to jump to the Asset Details page to edit the content
  4. Preview the Ads

    • You can select the hotel and languages to review the Ads in different media types and different Devices
    • You are also able to review the Asset by switch to the component view

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Type 2: Search Ads

Please Note: Search Ads can be only selected by a Paid Search Campaign
  1. Go to the Ads Page

    • Click the Content -> Ads -> Create Ads button at the upper right corner on the Ads List page
  2. Complete the information on the Ads Settings page:

    • Ads Name: Should be unique from all the existing Ads under the Chain 
    • Type: Select Search, which means this ads will be available when you create a Cross Media Campaign
    • Scope: Select content will be created on different levels
      • Hotel: means the Ads will apply to each hotel which have been selected. Be able to select the hotels by Hotels/Hotel Category (coming Soon)/Brand/Chain
      • Destination: means the Ads will apply to all hotels which belongs to this Destination
    • Select language: The following languages are available now: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
    • Schedule: You are able to define when the Ads going to be alive and end [coming soon] 
  3. Complete the Ads by selecting the Assets

    • For the Search Ads, the following Asset Type is necessary
      • Display Path (Required: 2)
      • Headlines (Required: 3)
      • Description (Required: 2)
    • Please note that, if some of the Asset complete rate is not 100%, we will label the Asset in another color and you are able to jump to the Asset Details page to edit the content
  4. Preview the Ads

    • You can select the hotel and languages to review the Ads in different media types and different Devices
    • You are also able to review the Asset by switch to the component view

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