
Click Cross-Media helps hotel chains and DMMs to create ads and increase the hotels' presence in the Google Ads distribution network (Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail…). They are allowing hotel chains to maximize their digital marketing performance in the Google Ads distribution network with the creation of a single multi-hotel, and multilingual campaign.

How to Create CrossMedia Google - Performance Max campaigns?


  1. Go to the Performance Max Campaign List page

    • Go to Bidding -> Cross-media section, and click the Create Campaign button at the upper right corner on the Performance Max Campaign List page.
  2. Select Campaign Type and Campaign Sub-Type

    • Campaign Type = Cross-Media
    • Campaign Subtype = Google - Performance Max
  3. Complete the Settings step

    • Fill in your Campaign name in the Basic Info
    • Fill in the Placement
      • Hotels: Only can select the Hotels that have completed the URL on the Content - Destination Profiles page
      • Market: Choose which markets to target
      • Devices: All devices are selected by default. The channel does not allow ad distribution by device type.
    • Budget & Schedule: Be able to define on which level you would like to spend the money:
      • Unlimited: the campaign budget spending would be unlimited
      • Campaign: define a campaign's exclusive budget. When the campaign cost is nearly spent out (estimated left days <= 2), Click would pause the campaign. 
      • Destination: set a budget for each destination in the campaign.
      • After campaign creation, each destination budget can be edited on the Campaign details - Destination tab. When the campaign - destination cost is nearly spent out (estimated left days <= 2) Click would pause the destination in this campaign.
  4. Select the campaign ads

    • Select and prioritize the campaign Ads. 
    • Hotels are linked to matching ads by their priority order, schedule, and language coverage. If a destination and language don't match with the top-priority ad, it will automatically be matched with the next ad in the priority sequence.
  5. Select campaign extensions. 

    • Extensions are additional pieces of information that can be added to your ads to make them more effective and informative.
      • Callouts
      • Prices
      • Promotions
      • Sitelinks
  6. Review the Ads and Create the Campaign

    • Review the ads by destination, device, and language to preview how your campaign ads will appear in search engine results before they go live.
    • Switch to Component View to review the ads assets.
    • Be able to switch to other devices and surfaces to preview the Ads .
    • Assets can be shown in any order, so make sure that they make sense individually or in combination, and don't violate our policies or local law. Some shortening may also occur in some formats. You can make sure certain text appears in your ad.

Visual Guide

How to Update the Cross-Media Google - Performance Max?


  1. Go to the Campaign List
    • Click the Bidding -> Cross-Media section, and find the campaign you would like to edit. 
    • You can filter by Campaign Status, Campaign Name, Hotel, Market, Language, and Bid Strategy to filter the specific campaign.
  2. Click the Campaignname to go to the Campaign details page. 
    • On the Settings tab, you are able to edit the Hotels, Markets, Languages, Objective, Budget, Schedule, and Campaign Status.
    • On the Ads tab, you are able to update the linked Ads
    • On the Extensions tab, you are able to update the Extensions

Visual Guide

How to Check the Performance

You can check the performance data in the Campaign section

You can also check the performance data on Reporting -> Report Catalogue.

Campaign Page Report

Standard Report